
Who is James W. Bowers?

Personal Life

James W. Bowers was born in Kent County Maryland, on July 23, 1826.  At an early age moved to Baltimore with his parents.  When he was sixteen years of age, he entered the pharmacy business with Mr. E.H. Perkins and later became self employeed in the same type of business for fifty six years.  In 1874, he formed a partnership for the conducting of wholesale, retail book, and stationary business with brother John Medairy (Grand Secretary of Maryland) and their business soon became the headquarters for the sale of masonic literature.  In 1880, he was asked by WMGM John Tyson to compile and publish the "Masonic Monitor".  This valuable manual was approved on May 11, 1881and is still in use in all Maryland Lodges.

Masonic Life

He was initiated as an Ent. Apprentice on February 17,1854 in Concordia Lodge #13, and eventually was raised on May 26, 1854.  On August 25, 1854 he demitted and became a charter member of Arcana Lodge #110.  In 1860 he served as their Worshipful Master.

He served as Grand Lecturer of The Maryland Grand Lodge from 1864-1884.  He was also exhalted in Adoniram Royal Arch Chapter #21 on May 17th 1865.  He was elected most Exhalted Grand High Priest in 1870 and, Most Exhalted Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter in 1873.


He died January 8,1908 and is buried in the London Park Cemetery.  He was remembered as a "Good Citizen, a zealous and indefatigable masonic worker.  He was the soul of honor.  At his death he left an unblemished name to his only son.  His wife having died 34 years previous.